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Board of Directors
Our Staff
Our Members
Our Contact Info

Board of Directors

The MCA Board is made up of ten different seats, each representing a segment of the North Pacific and Bering Sea fishing industry. As MCA works on issues that are common to our members, we strive for consensus before taking a position on any policy matters. In the absence of a consensus, our bylaws require a super-majority vote representing 75% of present Board members. Our Board of Directors and members are active in many issues and routinely form sub-committees to guide research or to develop position statements as issues arise. Our executive committee typically serves two year terms.

Sector Board Member
Alternate Representing
Gulf of Alaska shoreside trawl catcher vessels and processors President Julie Bonney Bob Krueger Alaska Groundfish Databank & Alaska Whitefish Trawlers Association
Bering Sea Shoreside Catcher Vessels Vice President Brent Paine Bob Dooley United Catcher Boats
Pacific Seafood Processors Association Secretary Glenn Reed Vince O’Shea Pacific Seafood Processors Association
Alaska Community Treasurer Frank Kelty Shirley Marquardt City of Unalaska
Shoreside Processors Kris Norosz
Mike Okoniewski Icicle Seafoods

Pacific Seafood

Community Development Quota Program Anne Vanderhoeven Aggie Fouts
Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation

Western Alaska Community Development Association

Bering Sea Crabbers Mark Gleason Ruth Christiansen Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers
Alaska Scallop Jim Stone Alaska Scallop Association
Groundfish Catcher Processor John Gauvin Jason Anderson Groundfish Forum
Cod Fixed Gear Vacant Vacant Alaska Longline Company
Pollock Catcher Processors Donna Parker Jim Johnson Arctic Storm Management Group

Glacier Fish Company

Our Staff

Merrick Burden, Executive Director: Merrick has a long and diverse history in fisheries issues. His foray into fisheries started as a crewmember, where he worked on salmon and halibut commercial fishing vessels in southcentral and southwest Alaska. After receiving his college degrees, he spent several years as an analyst with the National Marine Fisheries Service where he received numerous awards for his work on protecting Essential Fish Habitat, for developing plans to rebuild overfished stocks, and for developing tools to help manage bycatch. From there he transitioned to staff at the Pacific Fishery Management Council where he was the lead analyst on the Pacific groundfish trawl rationalization program – a program widely viewed as one of the most comprehensive and sophisticated such programs in the U.S. After his work with the PFMC he spent a brief amount of time working with the Environmental Defense Fund, where he helped to pioneer a unique model of fishery collectives for bycatch management and advocated for policies which would help provide support for west coast fishing communities.

Stephanie Dunlap, Administrative Assistant: Stephanie’s passion for fish started when she attended college. She spent her internship with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration researching Walleye pollock fish stomach contents and participating on trawl surveys in the Gulf of Alaska. After graduating from college, she worked as a scientific technician for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife collecting biological and catch data on local sturgeon and salmon fisheries. She then spent time as an observer on commercial fishing vessels in the Bering Sea, working on a trawler, longliner, and floater processor. Stephanie gained valuable office experience at several positions, but most notably at her most recent position with the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust. She was Office Manager and Greenway 365 Event Coordinator, responsible for organizing various annual events, as well as keeping the day-to-day affairs of the office running smoothly.

Our Members

The work we do would not be possible without the generous support of our invaluable members.

Adak Community Development Corporation
Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers
Alaska Longline Co.
Alaska Whitefish Trawlers Association
Alaska Groundfish Data Bank
International Seafoods of Alaska, North Pacific Seafoods, Trident Seafoods, Western Alaska Fisheries
Alaska Scallop Association
Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association
Akutan, Atka, False Pass, Nelson Lagoon, Nikolski, St. George
Arctic Storm Management Group
Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation
Aleknagik, Clark’s Point, Dillingham, Egegik, Ekuk, Ekwok, King Salmon, Levelock, Manokotak, Naknek, Pilot Point, Port Heiden, Portage Creek, South Naknek, Togiak, Twin Hills, Ugashik
Central Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association
St. Paul
City of Unalaska
Glacier Fish Company
Groundfish Forum
Fishermen’s Finest, Iquique US, Ocean Peace, O’Hara Corporation, United States Seafoods
High Seas Catchers Vessels
Ocean Harvester, Sea Storm, Neahkahnie
Icicle Seafoods
Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
Brevig Mission, Diomede, Elim, Gambell, Golovin, Koyuk, Nome, Saint Michael, Savoonga, Shaktoolik, Stebbins, Teller, Unalakleet, Wales, White Mountain
Pacific Seafood Group
Pacific Seafood Processors Association
Alaska General Seafoods, Alyeska Seafoods, Golden Alaska Seafoods, North Pacific Seafoods, Peter Pan Seafoods, Phoenix Processor Limited Partnership, Trident Seafoods, UniSea, Westward Seafoods
United Catcher Boats
Akutan Catcher Vessel Association, Mothership Fleet Cooperative, Northern Victor Fleet Cooperative, Peter Pan Fleet Cooperative, Unalaska Fleet Cooperative, Unisea Fleet Cooperative, Westward Fleet Cooperative

Our Contact Info

Marine Conservation Alliance

4005 20th Avenue W, Suite 115
Seattle, WA 98199
(206) 535-8357
(206) 260-3639 (fax)

Merrick Burden, Executive Director merrickbmca (at) gmail (dot) com
Stephanie Dunlap, Administrative Assistant stephaniedmca (at) gmail (dot) com